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Portland Square Building - Plymouth University
  • Chris DeMars headshot
  • Chris DeMars

    Front End Developer,
    Tuft & Needle

I Can't See: Low Vision A11y & Users

When you think of low vision, what comes to mind? A user that is near sighted? How about far sighted? Maybe partially blind? These are all qualifying cases of poor vision, but low vision is more complicated than the prescription of glasses or contacts.

According to the World Health Organization, they categorize low vision based on specific levels of visual acuity and field of vision (, 2016). With that in mind, we as developers can look at different categories of low vision including color vision, visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, etc and make an effort to bake in things like zoom, non-conflicting colors, and re-wrapping of columns in to our code.

My talk will cover what vision accessibility is, different categories of low vision, what the needs of the users are, and what we as developers can do to achieve a great user experience for low vision users.


Chris DeMars is a front end developer first, UX architect always, from Detroit, Michigan now living in Denver, Colorado.

For his community contributions, he holds awards as a Microsoft MVP in developer technologies and Google Developer Expert in web technologies. He is also an international speaker and former organizer for Vuetroit and former co-organizer of the Ann Arbor Accessibility Group. Chris loves coming up with solutions for enterprise applications, which include modular CSS architectures, performance, and advocating for web accessibility.

When he is not working on making the web great and inclusive you can find him writing blog posts, recording episodes of his podcast, Tales From The Script, or watching horror movies.

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Portland Square Building - Plymouth University

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16th April 2020, Plymouth University

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