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Portland Square Building - Plymouth University
  • Jeremy Keith headshot
  • Jeremy Keith

    Web Developer & Author,

The Layers Of The Web

The World Wide Web turned 30 last year. The web has changed quite a bit over that time. But progress has been evolutionary rather than revolutionary: changes have accreted on top of what has come before. This layered iterative approach also works for building websites.

Together we'll uncover how to build resilient, performant, accessible and beautiful structures that work with the grain of the materials of the web.


Jeremy Keith lives in Brighton, England where he makes websites with the splendid design agency Clearleft. You may know him from such books as DOM Scripting, Bulletproof Ajax, HTML5 For Web Designers, Resilient Web Design, and, most recently, Going Offline.

He curated the dConstruct conference for a number of years as well as Brighton SF, and he organised the world's first Science Hack Day. He also made the website Huffduffer to allow people to make podcasts of found sounds—it's like Instapaper for audio files.

Hailing from Erin's green shores, Jeremy maintains his link to Irish traditional music running the community site The Session. He also indulges a darker side of his bouzouki-playing in the band Salter Cane.

Jeremy spends most of his time goofing off on the internet, documenting his time-wasting on, where he has been writing for over fifteen years.

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Portland Square Building - Plymouth University

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16th April 2020, Plymouth University

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